Luxury minimalism became popular

Design, like many things, is cyclical. And that cyclical nature of trends in design, especially in branding and packaging, is about to reach warp speed.

Big, bold, and bright are the three packaging Bs that many brands have lived by. But eye-catching isn’t always the way to go. Among the technicolour insanity of modern packaging, a new trend has been born: simple packaging design. And it remains an enduring conversation point.

As buyers look for functional yet appealing packaging designs, brands must consider trends at both ends of the design spectrum.

You’ve seen them, and you buy them, and you may even love them: brands that strip away all unnecessary packaging graphics and messaging in service of an unvarnished, anti-branding, ingredients-first message. To some, it even delivers simplicity and clarity for consumers while communicating a distinct personality and credible, relatable purpose. Then there are those that point to the unwelcome scourge of minimalism threatening consumer brands.

But if there’s one thing we can all agree on, minimalism is a difficult balance to find in design.

Not much to it
Minimalist packaging design has taken the industry by storm, dominating retail industries like luxury products, cosmetics and fashion. But one of the best things about minimalist packaging is that it’s versatile, easily customisable, and can be used in virtually any industry.

Simple, clean, and less noisy than other products within a respective category, minimalism can be characterised as a pared-back, polished aesthetic. Authentic and pure. No bells and whistles.

Minimalism involves simplifying elements and the stripping back of those elements left. Shapes, forms, illustrations, colours, and types that feel unnecessary or useless are left out. Only the bare minimum is kept that still can convey the brand message.

Luxury minimalism strips back to a minimum, allowing us to concentrate on what is necessary. It is based on the functionality and aesthetic of objects, seeking to enhance them, often by using sought-after materials and innovative technology.

One of the ways luxury minimalism can enhance our wellbeing is by reconnecting us with the natural world. We all have neurological preferences for natural materials and colours, representing safety and sustenance.

Custom Luxury minimalism design  hang tag


Post time: Jul-24-2023